Whether you’re a first or second time mama-to-be, we want you feel beautiful and empowered
from the moment you discover your little one’s presence, to 40 weeks and beyond.

As we follow Jacq’s journey, discover our collection of thoughtfully-designed & curated maternity pieces,
paired with useful essentials from exclusive partners for your beautiful motherhood journey.

Introducing mama-in-spotlight ☼

our very own communications lead, Jacq!

Hello! I’m Jacqueline, Communications Lead for Love, Bonito! Well, weekdays are pretty much the same; mornings are usually rudely awakened between 630 to 7am by my soon-to-be 4-year-old daughter who draws the curtain and greets us with her own style of ‘good morning’!

After my husband and I drops her off at school, we usually have our breakfast together and then the workday begins—meetings, calls, scheduling of interviews, reviewing of documents and the list goes on...The weekends are a little more relaxed, but are usually spent doing a range of activities not limited to gymnastics, biking, swimming, and attending art classes—all in an effort to tire the little one out. You have no idea how much energy is within that little body!

• A Word of Advice •

Honestly, I was incredibly nervous and anxious. With no expectations on how having two children will turn out, I asked my manager for advice. She told me that there’s no advice she can dish and don’t bother reading books too, I'll just have to live and experience the journey myself. Of which, there’s truth to it. I’ve read so many parenting books when I was pregnant with my first child, yet nothing can compare to just living the experience out. Trust that #motherinstinct!

Enjoy the journey and trust your body! Take the rest you need and eat the foods you crave for (of course, everything in moderation). Embrace this period with your partner and I’m sure in the future, both of you will look back and reminisce the challenging yet heartwarming moments spent together.